Client Rights
- Right to Treatment – You have the right to ethical treatment without discrimination regarding race, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, religion, disability status, age, or any other protected category.
- Right to Confidentiality – You have the right to have your health care information protected. If you pay for a service or health care item out-of-pocket in full, you can ask us not to share that information for the purpose of payment or our operations with your health insurer. Pennsylvania Holistic Healing, LLC will agree to such unless a law requires us to share that information.
- Right to Request Restrictions – You have the right to request restrictions on certain uses and disclosures of protected health information about you. However, Pennsylvania Holistic Healing, LLC is not required to agree to a restriction you request.
- Right to Receive Confidential Communications by Alternative Means and at Alternative Locations – You have the right to request and receive confidential communications of Protected Health Information (PHI) by alternative means and at alternative locations.
- Right to Inspect and Copy – You have the right to inspect or obtain a copy (or both) of PHI. Records must be requested in writing and Release of Information must be completed. Furthermore, there is a copying fee charge of $1.00 per page. Please make your request well in advance and allow 2 weeks to receive the copies. If Pennsylvania Holistic Healing, LLC refuses your request for access to your records, you have a right of review, which your therapist will discuss with you upon request.
- Right to Amend – If you believe the information in your records is incorrect and/or missing important information, you can ask your therapist to make certain changes, also known as amending, to your health information. You have to make this request in writing. You must tell your therapist the reasons you want to make these changes, and your therapist will review and inform you of the decision within 60 days..
- Right to a Copy of This Notice – You will receive a copy of this notice as part of your intake document packet. A copy is also available upon your request at any time.
- Right to an Accounting – You generally have the right to receive an accounting of disclosures of PHI regarding you. On your request, your therapist will discuss with you the details of the accounting process.
- Right to Choose Someone to Act for You – If someone is your legal guardian, that person can exercise your rights and make choices about your health information; your therapist will make sure the person has this authority and can act for you before your therapist takes any action, and a Release of Information must be completed.
- Right to Choose – You have the right to decide not to receive services with Pennsylvania Holistic Healing, LLC. Names of other qualified professionals will be provided upon request.
- Right to Terminate – You have the right to terminate therapeutic services with your therapist at any time without any legal or financial obligations other than those already accrued. Pennsylvania Holistic Healing, LLC asks that you discuss your decision with your therapist in session before terminating or at least contact your therapist by phone letting them know you are terminating services.
- Right to Release Information with Written Consent – With your written consent, any part of your record can be released to any person or agency you designate. Together you and your therapist will discuss potential implications of the disclosure, and whether releasing the information in question to that person or agency might be harmful to you.