Make an Appointment: [email protected] | 267-601-4326

  • Privacy

    Confidentiality is a keystone of therapy, as it aids in creating a safe environment for clients to feel comfortable exploring the inner most realms of the self.  Our commitment to confidentiality and protection of our clients is unwavering.  

    Here is what you can expect from us in regard to protection of your information in accordance with the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

    What happens in therapy, with few exceptions, stays in therapy.  That means that we can neither confirm nor deny awareness of anyone as a past or current client without a signed authorization to realize information.  These authorizations can be revoked at any time either verbally or in writing.


    The law protects the privacy of all communication between a patient and a therapist. In most situations, a therapist can only release information about your treatment to others if you sign a written authorization form that meets certain legal requirements imposed by HIPAA. There are some situations where a therapist is permitted or required to disclose information without either your consent or authorization. If such a situation arises, your Pennsylvania Holistic Healing, LLC therapist will limit their disclosure to what is necessary. Reasons we may have to release your information without authorization:

    1. If you are involved in a court proceeding and a request is made for information concerning your diagnosis and treatment, such information is protected by the psychologist-patient privilege law. Your therapist cannot provide any information without your (or your legal representative’s) written authorization, or a court order, or if your therapist receives a subpoena of which you have been properly notified and you have failed to inform your therapist that you oppose the subpoena. If you are involved in or contemplating litigation, you should consult with an attorney to determine whether a court would be likely to order your therapist to disclose information.
    2. If a government agency is requesting the information for health oversight activities, within its appropriate legal authority, your therapist may be required to provide it for them.
    3. If a client files a complaint or lawsuit against Pennsylvania Holistic Healing, LLC and/or its therapists, Pennsylvania Holistic Healing, LLC and/or its therapists may disclose relevant information regarding that client to aid in the practice’s or therapist’s own defense.
    4. If a client files a worker’s compensation claim, and the therapist is providing necessary treatment related to that claim, the therapist must, upon appropriate request, submit treatment reports to the appropriate parties, including the client’s employer, the insurance carrier or an authorized qualified rehabilitation provider.
    5. Your therapist may disclose the minimum necessary health information to business associates that perform functions on our behalf or provide us with services if the information is necessary for such functions or services. Pennsylvania Holistic Healing, LLC business associates sign agreements to protect the privacy of your information and are not allowed to use or disclose any information other than as specified in our contract.
    6. Pennsylvania Holistic Healing, LLC reserves the right to release, without your written authorization, information necessary to obtain payment, dispute chargebacks, and resolve payment disputes.
    7. Your therapist is permitted to use and disclose your health information internally in the course of your treatment for the purpose of continuity of care in cases which your therapist may become unavailable (i.e., illness, death, client assistance when on vacation, etc.) If your therapist wishes to provide information outside of our practice for your treatment by another health care provider, your therapist will have you sign an authorization for release of information. Furthermore, an authorization is required for most uses and disclosures of psychotherapy notes.
    8. Pennsylvania Holistic Healing, LLC may use and disclose your health information as part of our internal operations. For example, this could mean a review of records to assure quality.

    There are some situations in which a therapist is legally obligated to take actions, which the therapist believes are necessary to attempt to protect others from harm, and a therapist may have to reveal some information about a client’s treatment:

    1. If your therapist knows, or has reason to suspect, that a child under 18 has been abused, abandoned, or neglected by a parent, legal custodian, caregiver, or any other person responsible for the child’s welfare, the law requires that the therapist file a report with the Pennsylvania Child Abuse Hotline. Once such a report is filed, the therapist may be required to provide additional information.
    2. If your therapist knows, or has reasonable cause to suspect, that a vulnerable adult has been abused, neglected, or exploited, the law requires that the therapist file a report with the Pennsylvania Elder Abuse Hotline. Once such a report is filed, the therapist may be required to provide additional information.
    3. If your therapist believes that there is a clear and immediate probability of physical harm to the client, to other individuals, or to society, the therapist may be required to disclose information to take protective action, including communicating the information to the potential victim, and/or appropriate family member, and/or the police or to seek hospitalization of the client.


    1. Telehealth sessions will only be conducted provided all participating parties are in a private space to ensure confidentiality of the session to the extent that we are able.
    2. Pennsylvania Holistic Healing, LLC utilizes HIPAA compliant platforms for all email communications and telehealth services.
    3. By choosing to engage in telehealth services you acknowledge the potential risk of disclosure of your PHI through circumstances outside of the control of Pennsylvania Holistic Healing, LLC, and therefore Pennsylvania Holistic Healing, LLC will not be held liable.